1. Hey, M.I.A. and Grace Jones and everyone else! Stop talking shit about Lady Gaga! Yes, she’s unoriginal. Yes, it has been done before. Yes, all of her songs sound exactly the same and YES the “Telephone” video is one giant advert for…Wonder Bread? Or is it Miracle Whip? Or is it Diet Coke? Or is it Virgin Mobile? Or is it Oscar Meyer? Or is it arsenic-infused Sue Bee Honey? It just seems like people who “get it” hate everything because everything has been done, it’s impossible to be innovative, god is dead and Animal Collective is breaking up. Blah blah blah, welcome to Earth. Let Gaga do her thang, even if it isn’t really her thang. I'm not entirely sure what kinda vibe she's trying to throw, but it seems like a fun, positive, and glittery one so we should all embrace it, unless you're not into that kind of thing (M.I.A. ahem ahem). I know she’s trying way too hard but, honestly, who isn’t these days?
2. Speaking of which, stop trying so hard! Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn't mean you should too! You are so much better than that! When you try too hard to be "s00 different", it comes off as desperate and people will talk shit (see: Gaga).
3. Wait a minute, what am I saying?! Why should you give a fuck if people talk shit? Ugh, being yourself is so complicated! But it doesn't have to be! Are you a total creep? Weirdo? Are you boring as fuck? Own it! Be all the [creepy/weird/boring] you can be! Not all at the same time though, Jesus! I mean, not unless that's what you want to be!
4. Have you ever held your hands under boiling hot water? Well if you haven't, please don't, but my point is this: after a while, you can’t tell if it’s boiling hot or freezing cold…are ya'll picking up what i'm putting down?
5. It’s okay to love what not everyone else likes.
6. It’s okay to like Jason Mraz.
7. Forget about everything I just said.
Think about it!
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