Friday, April 30, 2010
Dear Frasier, you suck
Thursday, April 29, 2010
...and it's more funsies when everyone wins!!

-I am talking to someone who, although sweet as pie, really isn’t funny.
-They make a “joke", which is usually stupid/generic/cliché/stolen from Dane Cook who probably stole it from Demetri Martin.
-In the fraction of a second it takes me to laugh, their failed attempt at humor jitterbugs into my brain, where I run it through a conceptual brita filter. Then I take all the bits with any comic potential and rearrange them into something that I can laugh at ironically.*
It's like a game! Essentially, what ends up happening is 99% of the time, I’m laughing at my own joke. Okay, to be fair I’m laughing at someone else’s “joke” which I’ve expertly deconstructed and reassembled in my head. And I know I’m doing all the work, and that doesn’t seem fair and in lieu of fake laughter I should probably just say something like “nice try, jackass” and peace out. But then everyone loses!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Gimme gimme gimme
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Review: What Is a Urinal?
Friday, April 23, 2010
They can get...smarter?
Today, his beef with me was that I was playing my like omg totally insanely highly inaccessible and super-duper way obscure no-wave, lo-fi, tribalcore, shitgaze music too loud and it was hurting his ear feelings or some whiney bullshit. He started yelling at me to turn the noise down so I started yelling at him something about how this is my favorite song in the universe [this week] and to turn it down would be an insult to the artist and he’d be better off taking his complaints to someone who’d actually give a damn.
Well eventually, he gave up and left me alone because I seem pretty alright most of the time, but when I get riled up about something, I tend not to calm down until I get MY WAY (youngest child syndrome), and he’s well aware of that by now. So he disappeared out of my line of vision, and I got back to work after giving myself a figurative pat on the back for winning yet another one when not five minutes later, that dumb fucking asshole started blasting Rush from the other room. RUSH!! How did he know?! I think it’s time I start keeping my pet-peeves to myself, lest they be used against me in such unethical ways.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Screw you guys, I'm going home
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Pass the mayo!

First off, consider how it’s made. Who invented this shit? It’s an emulsion of oil and eggs if you make it at home, and I’m sure the store-bought varieties have a ton of added stabilizing agents. So, like…vegetable fat mixed with animal fat mixed with chemicals. MMM I WANNA EAT IT.
Now, consider the taste—It’s not spicy like mustard, it’s not sweet like ketchup, it’s not tangy like BBQ sauce, and it’s not salty like soy-sauce. So what does it taste like? It tastes like fatty, sour, vomit-inducing male ejaculate. It has the consistency of partially coagulated gelatin, it’s slimy, and oh my gosh that smell!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE WITH THAT SMELL. It always smells like it's way past its expiration date!! Why do you people subject yourselves to this rubbish? Have any of you actually stopped to think about what you’re eating…and why the fuck you’re eating it? I know there’s no accounting for taste, but I’m actually gagging right now just thinking of ---omg fuck it, keep slathering that synthetic jizz all over your nitrate-laden deli meats if you must, just, please, keep it the fuck away from me.
Have we run out of fetishes?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
You are an animal

Every time I hear of someone being compared to an animal I get annoyed. When someone is really fat you’ll often here the term “foca” (seal) in Spain. Or “the white whale”, as Gabriel García Márquez refers to Eréndira’s (evil, evil) grandmother in one of his short novels. Well, I think this is really offensive…to the animal, of course. What is happens is this…animals have everything human beings lack. In a day spent with a dog you receive a year’s worth of affection received from a human being. They are smarter, they don’t start senseless wars, they don’t live in the past, they hold no grudges, they don’t care about the future, they are independent, they hold their own. So no, you are not an animal. You are a simpleton, you couldn’t live in the wild for three days, couldn’t possibly be a predator without a gun, couldn’t survive an insect-sting without scratching or the stare of a tiger unless he’s at the zoo. You are human.
Fickle Cycle

1. Hey, M.I.A. and Grace Jones and everyone else! Stop talking shit about Lady Gaga! Yes, she’s unoriginal. Yes, it has been done before. Yes, all of her songs sound exactly the same and YES the “Telephone” video is one giant advert for…Wonder Bread? Or is it Miracle Whip? Or is it Diet Coke? Or is it Virgin Mobile? Or is it Oscar Meyer? Or is it arsenic-infused Sue Bee Honey? It just seems like people who “get it” hate everything because everything has been done, it’s impossible to be innovative, god is dead and Animal Collective is breaking up. Blah blah blah, welcome to Earth. Let Gaga do her thang, even if it isn’t really her thang. I'm not entirely sure what kinda vibe she's trying to throw, but it seems like a fun, positive, and glittery one so we should all embrace it, unless you're not into that kind of thing (M.I.A. ahem ahem). I know she’s trying way too hard but, honestly, who isn’t these days?
2. Speaking of which, stop trying so hard! Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn't mean you should too! You are so much better than that! When you try too hard to be "s00 different", it comes off as desperate and people will talk shit (see: Gaga).
3. Wait a minute, what am I saying?! Why should you give a fuck if people talk shit? Ugh, being yourself is so complicated! But it doesn't have to be! Are you a total creep? Weirdo? Are you boring as fuck? Own it! Be all the [creepy/weird/boring] you can be! Not all at the same time though, Jesus! I mean, not unless that's what you want to be!
4. Have you ever held your hands under boiling hot water? Well if you haven't, please don't, but my point is this: after a while, you can’t tell if it’s boiling hot or freezing cold…are ya'll picking up what i'm putting down?
5. It’s okay to love what not everyone else likes.
6. It’s okay to like Jason Mraz.
7. Forget about everything I just said.
Think about it!
A child's unintentionally revolting mind
Cathie, with her marvellous waist of 15 inch, is always a joy.
I'm not sure if I should be impressed or revolted by this woman's body. Regardless, it definitely confirms my growing suspicions that corsets are key to curbing the steady rise of obesity.
oh wait, ew.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
You're doing it wrong
Every time I see you you’re running like a madman on the elliptical. Uh, the elliptical? Isn’t that a chick machine? I mean, I’m a chick and even I feel like a total fag when I’m on the elliptical. You’re always sweating really hard too, even though I once took a stealthy peek at the screen on your machine and…you are exercising at level one. Level one on the elliptical. I probably exert the same amount of energy sitting on the couch yelling at the TV for the rest of the Real Housewives to stop ganging up on Bethany. So stop grunting and panting, because it’s obvious your body is under zero stress considering you are doing the lowest-impact cardio on the lowest level possible on the gayest exercise machine ever invented. And really, what makes you think we want to hear you sing whatever bullshit song you’re listening to OUT LOUD? Do the words “gym etiquette” mean anything to you? No, seriously, elliptical bro, do you have some sort of social disorder? Actually, fuck it, that wouldn’t even be an excuse. I’ve actually started planning my visits to the gym around when you’re going to be “working out” just to make sure I’m not there to hear your ridiculous Ray Romano voice and see you sweating like a coke-head in a coke factory on free coke day. Just, please, get your shit together. I’m only trying to help-- you’re never gonna get laid if you keep doing it wrong.
Lock the grown-ups out
p.s. my boss is a dick.