Monday, May 17, 2010

Make Room for Jerkwads

What the hell is going on with guys on the subway?

I take the subway to work four days a week, and every time I get on the train, I notice two things:

1. There are seven seats per subway bench. That means seven people can sit on a bench.
2. Until you remember that men need two seats.

These aren't small seats; a 200-pound man easily fits into one. Yet he takes up two. (Strangely, he is more likely to do this when he is riding with a friend. The only reason I can come up with is that if a man's clothed leg touches the leg of his buddy, it'll turn him.) Don't guys realize that the subway is public transportation? We all pay to use it. Your $2.25 didn't buy you a temporary living room, and everyone else on the train is just as exhausted as you are. Move the fuck over. Let your arm touch a stranger's. You don't have to call them the next day.

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