...you're doing it wrong.
Apparently, there are people in the world who know the exact date of their child's conception, which suggests to me that they are having sex so infrequently that they don't have to narrow down the possible dates - there's just one. Really, the only way to know the exact date of your child's conception is if you only have sex once a month, and I know sometimes there are reasons to only have sex once a month (if one of you is in the army, for example, or if you're married to Larry King), but why would you bring a child into that? If I ever have kids, I want to be able to tell them, "Yeah, your father and I were boning so much that we didn't notice I was pregnant until you started crowning."
i'm pretty sure my dad doesn't know how old i am, whether i've graduated college or not (even though he was present at the ceremony), but now i feel better about that. at least he wasn't staring at the clock thinking "yes, my goal for the evening is to conceive a child at 9:45 pm, and then i'm going to have a beer and try again next month if it doesn't work out."